Wednesday, August 01, 2007

ok. scrap that one picture of the...

...heat. a little disappointing, but most of the grief is over now, so i won't need to curse or anything at this point. here's what happened.
just for giggles, and because we installed the boiler and its web of pipes all by ourselves (ok, my dad worked on it. it became his project.) we decided to call a local rep out to take a look. to make a long story short, after some praise about how good it looked in that little closet built especially for it, we found out that our little workhorse was going to be a little too small for what we were planning. nobody is really at fault. we're just moving forward.
so, we've decided on a cast iron boiler system with an indirect tank for heating the domestic hot water. its still pretty efficient. 85% or so. and we should have plenty of water for the heat, and showers and dishwasher and everything. it doesn't fit as well into our little closet. in fact, i'm going to have to build some kind of a door to cover it all up. but as far as hot water, its the Cadillac of systems. and we were able to keep all of our plumbing in tact. i'll spec it all out later, and post some pictures. anyone interested, let me know and i can send you my contact. he did all the install in a day or so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said that nobody is really at fault, but earlier you mentioned that you got all the gear from Did they underspec the system?

7:35 PM  

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