Tuesday, August 09, 2005

i suck

dude, sorry to anyone that reads this now and then. i haven't been too good about updating. i'm just as bored as you though. the waiting was tough.
here's what's happening:
the plans came back from the structural engineer. tons of wood is going into this place. i'm not too jazzed about that, but it didnt change the design at all so that's cool. just adding to the cost some. i made a couple of small changes and bagged the roof access and deck. this is gonna save like 30k so i guess the roof top deck will have to wait until the next house.
now there are just one or two small things to finish up and the plans will go in THIS WEEK for approval with the city. as soon as i get approval, its tear down time.
it has given me some time to get the house we live in closer to being ready to sell. there are still a few things left to do before we can list it. hopefully get it on the market by the end of the month. anyone looking for a nice little place in georgetown, let me know. its a great house. 3 years old.
we also went to mexico. tulum. it was awesome. that's probably the last trip for a while. once the house is underway, its pretty much balls out to get it done.
so again, i promise to be better and update more often. the interesting stuff should be coming along shortly.
ps, anyone that gets the random home depot coupons in the mail, and isnt going to use them, let me know. i'll take all the discounts i can get!


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