Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by porkfork.
3/23 pm
Here is a picture of the house as it looked when we bought it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


As a fellow Northwesterner...and fan of modern design...not to mention that I work in Construction...own a lot...and have plans for a modern house that was designed with efficiency in in the heck to you plan to build your house for $50.00 a square foot? My house design - at the cheapest rate would be @ $125.00 a sq. ft. I have a friend that is an architect and bought a house that is similar to yours that he is remodeling himself as a speculative venture and he is doing ALL the work himself...(I don't think you can legally do the electrical and plumbing yourself though) and he's spending three times the amount that you're thinking about. Not to mention...he's using Green building techniques. And remember...Certified lumber is quite a bit more expensive than 'regular' lumber. I'm not trying to put out your fire...I'm just trying to stir a little realism into your situation...people are going to tell you all kinds of things about money...and how much it costs to put together a's rare that you'll find someone who'll give you an honest answer. Even if you do ALL the work that sq. might not even cover your material will cost you 10-15% of your 100K budget just to throw that existing house in the trash!


7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I KNOW it can be done for that cheap. I just built a house in Seattle for $65.00 a square foot. And we did do all the electrical and plumbing ourselves (legally). I wish you (and your family) all the best. Good luck, I am impressed with your goals!

10:49 AM  

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